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Projects / Lighting Master Plan...



Thanks to the rapid evolution of technological progress, the preoccupations of today’s civic authorities may go well beyond simple quantitative criteria. Lighting design is now moving toward a notion of quality, where lighting participates fully in the overall sensory experience of the visitor to a place of cultural interest.


With more and more information at their disposal, both the public and their elected representatives have become more demanding of better performance. Added to the essential requirements of clarity and visual comfort are increased demands for beautification.
The efforts of towns and villages to enhance their heritage—architectural, historic or landscaped—by using their nighttime image gives a new dimension to the problems of lighting design.

Each monument must be associated with its signification, its symbolic universe and its role in the life of the town. It must be reintegrated into the site, and studied for its image in the nighttime environment.


On-going research in architecture and urban planning envisages a harmonization of public lighting using the solutions identified in the Master Plan for Developments in Lighting.


A lighting plan thus serves as a tool for both elected representatives and technical services, allowing them not only to personalize each site, but also to guarantee overall coherence.

This research necessitates multiples competencies and faultless methodology to coordinate the actions of the diverse actors.


Strengthened by past experience, our team will work with communities to design a new collective signature, mobilizing :

  • Creativity.
  • Technical originality.
  • Ability to optimize budgets.
  • Competencies in terms of analysis, diagnostic lighting of heritage sites.
  • Experience in the management of major, complex projects.


Few exemples :



Some summaries of studies on lighting plans produced by our company.


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35 Lieu dit La Nouette - 35520 MELESSE
Tel : (33) - Email : email@aartill.com